In this study, all three devices provided good-to-excellent agreement for aberration measurements.

Significant systematic differences and proportional bias were detected for almost all refraction power vectors and Zernike coefficients among the three devices. Intrasession repeatability for the majority of second- and third-order aberrations was better on the Pentacam AXL Wave than on the iTrace ( p ≤ 0.01) and OPD-Scan III ( p ≤ 0.04), although their agreement and repeatability in spherical aberration were comparable ( p ≥ 0.24). The intrasession agreement and repeatability of RMS HOA were comparable between the three devices both the Pentacam AXL Wave and the OPD-Scan III had better intrasession agreement and repeatability for the RMS total than the iTrace ( p ≤ 0.02). Intrasession agreement and repeatability were evaluated using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) and repeatability coefficients (RCs) interdevice agreement was assessed using the Bland–Altman method. Wavefront refractions were converted into vector components: M, J 0 and J 45. Wavefront refractions, root mean square of total aberrations (RMS total), RMS of higher-order aberrations (HOA) and second-, third- and fourth-order HOAs were exported for 4-mm pupils. Three consecutive measurements were obtained using the Pentacam AXL Wave, the iTrace and the OPD-Scan III in 47 eyes of 47 patients. The last one is one of my fav picture from my 64GB I took on 3rd of January.To compare intrasession agreement and repeatability of wavefront aberration measurements from three different aberrometers obtained using Hartmann–Shack, ray tracing and automated retinoscopy methods, as well as their interdevice agreement. This shows a little side of my indulgence in mobile-photography. I’ve posted pictures quite many captured with an iPhone, but on this post named ‘iTrace’ I would like to share some of my favorite shots I took randomly three days before bye-bye-iPhone5-moment. I never mind to share this stupid moment here though so lets back to the point. I answered that I couldn’t spend ridiculously $400 extra for 32GB of 5s after my own fault? Absolutely such a wise decision I made even yeah I know, 5s’s camera is something else but I mean, why I have to spend so much from my saving money after I made a fault?. Afterwards I decided to get new one I’m using right now even my flatmate mocked me why I chose the same phone (oh even the new one has double GB memory. The function itself is still works yet sadly the price to change the screen only quite costly here.
#Itrace login cracked#
Oh dear God, I couldn’t believe what I saw that day, the screen cracked by pieces. Sadly when I was trying to straighten my left hand precisely with the grid on iPhone’s camera, my right hand was slighty shaking and boom, an iPhone laid on the ground immediately. I thought playing with natural light was good enough just because the afternoon light was clear and bright.

I couldn’t believe what was going on just a second after I tried to capture my wrist watch with an iPhone on my right hand. I’ve enjoyed my first iPhone especially the clearness of its camera then until the last day of 2013, my heart was broken after my iPhone accidentally fell down from 5 feet high. I found myself wasn’t happy with the camera until I realized one thing I had no doubt and regret to get an iPhone5 a.k.a my casual camera after all. I bought it just because I was fooled-mesmerized with the features on the ads especially the waterproof thing. This is just a post how I remind my first iPhone.īefore I used an iPhone, I had Sony Xperia Acro-S that just couple months I left it. Nevertheless I found difficulties editing some of them, it means that I have to postpone for a while and try to find inspiration again to present those pictures like what I had in mind. Before I had an idea to post this, I was editing some pictures for food-lodge-upcoming post.