Then in these sessions, they mention other sessions to dive deeper into certain details if needed. In case you get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of sessions, a good start is to look out for all sessions titled “What’s new in …” or “Meet …”, as these are summary sessions for a specific topic or framework. This is what I do right after the developer keynote. You can also bookmark sessions to watch later. Apple groups the sessions by topics so you can easily filter the videos inside the app. A good place to watch them is the dedicated Developer app, which recently also got support for SharePlay so you can even watch a session together with someone remotely and discuss it right away. The more than 200 session videos form the core of WWDC and are the best place to learn about the latest technologies in more detail. All technologies mentioned here have dedicated sessions throughout the week. It’s also a great way to find topics you’re interested in. It’s targeted specifically at developers so they can go into more detail and if there’s a single video you have time to watch for the whole WWDC, this is the one I would recommend because it’s like a summary of the rest of the week. It’s basically unveiling and demoing all the new amazing APIs much like the keynote is unveiling and demoing all the new products & services. The Platforms State of the Union is also called the “Developer Keynote” for a reason.

It’s not specifically targeted at developers, but it does include a short developer section towards the end, and big announcements like Swift in 2014 or SwiftUI in 2019 have all been unveiled here (watch the linked sections & listen to the crowd to get excited about this year’s keynote!).
The WWDC Keynote is where Apple presents the latest software and product updates to the public. What learning opportunities Apple offers officially throughout the week.